Action Alert
HELP BAN THE BRUTAL PRACTICE OF PENNING OF COYOTES & FOXES Your Comments Are Needed by May 18th As you may recall from our previous action alerts, the Indiana Natural Resources Commission (INRC) is considering a proposed rule to legalize the practice of coyote/fox “penning” (penning involves sending packs of domestic dogs into a fenced-off enclosure to chase to exhaustion and often tear apart a captive coyote or fox- ostensibly to “train” hunting hounds how to better pursue and hunt coyotes and foxes in the wild).
Just last year, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted unanimously to PERMANENTLY ban coyote and fox pens statewide. Contributing to the decision were public pressure, media exposure, and a multi-state undercover investigation of penning operations which led to the arrest of 12 people and the issuance of 46 citations for various violations. The investigation showed how difficult- if not impossible- it is to enforce rules on a practice that is inherently fraught with illicit and unethical behavior. To our horror, after proposing rules to outlaw the practice last year, the INRC did a 180 degree reversal and is now proposing to legalize coyote/fox penning. This switch in position is a direct result of pressure from the NRA and pro-penning organizations. Now more than ever, we need your help to stop the INRC from legalizing this blood “sport”. Your voice matters; we need to remind the INRC of how it came to its humane, judicious decision last year! The proposed rule language and frequently asked questions and answers can be found at:Dog Training Rules The INRC will conduct two public hearings on proposed rule changes. If you’re an Indiana resident, we encourage you to attend and testify:
Written comments are due May 18, so please take a moment to submit a quick online comment today! You need not be an Indiana resident to submit comments since all input will be part of the official record, and we need to show strong support for a ban. To sumbit a comment go online.
Indiana NRC - Division of Hearings Indiana Government Center North 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N501 Indianapolis, IN 46204 SAMPLE LETTER (please personalize your letter and use your own words as this will have a much greater impact; if you send your letter by mail, be sure to include the rule number, “LSA #11-4- proposed rule to amend 312 IAC 9-10-7” and your full name and address for your comments to be counted in the official record):
Indiana NRC - Division of Hearings
Camilla H. Fox **************************************** Project Coyote is a non-profit fiscally sponsored project of Earth Island Institute that promotes educated coexistence between people and coyotes and advocates on behalf of coyotes and other native carnivores. We depend on our members and supporters to help us continue our work on behalf of America’s native “song dog.” Please join us today! All donations are tax-deductible. Visit us at www.ProjectCoyote.org. |
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