
Everywhere we look, we see bad news about wolves. Despite our best efforts, Governor Brad Little signed SB 1211 into law, allowing the slaughter of 90 percent of Idaho’s 1,500 wolves by the most barbaric means. Montana legislators have liberalized wolf hunting and trapping and given wolf killers every lethal tool in the arsenal. Wisconsin is planning a fall hunt to further jeopardize wolves after their egregious February hunt during wolves’ breeding season.

So many of you took action whenever we’ve asked—thank you! But we still need your help ~ please join us in calling on the Honorable Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior, to protect wolves across the country ~

Sign Our Petition TODAY!

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Sign the Petition here.
  2. Share this action alert and infographic with friends and family and on social media!

Thank you for acting TODAY to protect wolves and their ecosystems!

Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

Dave Parsons
Science Advisory Board Member

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