Mountain Lion in the Snow
Mountain lions are present on the west end of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge and a study is currently underway to learn more about these big cats.
Bobcat at the Forest Edge
Though the bobcat prefers rabbits and hares, it will hunt anything from insects, chickens, geese and other birds and small rodents to deer. Prey selection depends on location and habitat, season, and abundance.
© Melissa Groo
Mountain Lion Takes a Rest
Mountain lion lounging in a cottonwood tree during the heat of the day near Golden, Colorado.
Bobcat Rolling Over
Like most cats, the bobcat is territorial and largely solitary. About twice as large as the domestic cat. It has distinctive black bars on its forelegs and a black-tipped, stubby tail, from which it derives its name.
© Melissa Groo
The Gray Fox of Western America
The most abundant wild carnivores, foxes are found on every continent except Antarctica. The Gray Fox pictured here is the dominant fox species in the Pacific states.
© Bill Leikam
Black Bear Hunts for Berries
Black bears are omnivores with their diets varying greatly depending on season and location. They typically live in largely forested areas but will sometimes visit residential areas in search of food. © Deb Etheredge