Needham residents crowd coyote presentation

Needham residents crowd coyote presentation

In an attempt to educate the public and teach about human-coyote coexistence, Needham residents packed the Needham Public Library lecture room in mid-February to hear a talk about coyotes given by biologist, Chris Schadler. With passion and wit, Schadler shared facts and anecdotes about the Eastern Coyote, its history and ways that humans can learn to coexist with this important member of the ecosystem.

Speak Out Against the Georgia Coyote Challenge

Speak Out Against the Georgia Coyote Challenge

Yesterday marked the opening day of the Georgia Coyote Challenge, a coyote killing contest implemented by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (“DNR”) to “encourage the taking of coyotes from March to August.” As pointed out in Project Coyote’s science letter to the Governor and the DNR, signed by eighteen of our Science Advisory Board members, this state-sanctioned kill fest is “nothing more than a wildlife killing contest (WKC), tempting participants to kill coyotes for a chance to win a lifetime hunting license.”