Plain Talk: End cruel and senseless wildlife-killing games

Plain Talk: End cruel and senseless wildlife-killing games

Wildlife columnist Patricia Randolph, who writes a twice-a-month column for us and is a pain in the butt to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources with her unabashed advocacy for wild animals, spotlighted the incredibly cruel practice of organized predator-killing contests throughout the country, including over a dozen right here in Wisconsin.

The Song Dog ~ There’s more to coyotes than meets the ear.

The Song Dog ~ There’s more to coyotes than meets the ear.

As evening falls across bronze stalks of winter bluestem, a single, high–pitched yowl rises like a mournful spirit. Within seconds, the lament is joined by a concerto of yips, yaps, and yelps that grows in crescendo, slicing the air in a wild a cappella performance. Call it opera done Okie style. A coyote cantata. A great howling hooha with a feral metronome known only to the songsmiths. If a million-year run on the evolutionary stage is any measure, the coyote song is a Grammy winner. Who among us can resist the urge to stop, for a moment, and listen?