
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 27, 2018

Torrance City Council to Deliberate
Urban Coyote Management Plan Tonight

TORRANCE, Calif. — The Torrance City Council will revisit the City’s Urban Coyote Management Plan at a meeting tonight. Project Coyote and a large contingent of wildlife advocates will be present to request that the City Council oppose the indiscriminate killing of coyotes and support moving forward with a humane, nonlethal coyote management program.

According to a Torrance Police Department (TPD) report submitted at the City Council’s September 18 meeting, the Council will review a “comprehensive report on the [City’s] coyote management program, which will include a recommendation from [the Torrance Police Department] on the Urban Coyote Management Plan moving forward, a review of coyote management by other cities, lessons learned and options for [the] Council to consider.”

“While the trapping and killing of coyotes is an option Torrance may consider, Project Coyote strongly urges the City to adopt a non-lethal plan that includes proactive education and outreach,” stated Randi Feilich, Southern California Representative for Project Coyote. “Torrance’s own data show that its Urban Coyote Management Plan, which emphasizes public education and the reduction of wildlife attractants, has helped to reduce negative encounters between people, pets, and coyotes.”

Scientific research shows that trapping of coyotes does not work. Coyote populations quickly bounce back even when up to 70 percent of their numbers are removed because it creates instability in the pack structure, allowing the remaining animals to breed at an earlier age with greater pup survival. Since California State law prohibits trappers from relocating wild animals once they are trapped, coyotes must be killed (or released) on site.

A large turnout with residents from both sides of the issue is expected at the City Council meeting.

  • WHAT: Meeting of the Torrance City Council
  • WHEN: November 27, 7:00 pm PT
  • WHERE: City Hall, 3031 Torrance Blvd., Torrance, CA
  • AGENDA (see Item 9C)

“Project Coyote has offered our services and materials to the city through our Coyote Friendly Communities program, and stands committed to helping Torrance and Southern California move toward safe and peaceful coexistence with its wild neighbors,” stated Feilich, who will present before the Torrance City Council tonight. In 2011, Feilich helped shift her community of Calabasas, California, away from coyote killing to adoption of a proactive coyote management plan similar to Torrance’s current plan (read more here).

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Project Coyote, a national nonprofit organization headquartered in Northern California, is a North American coalition of wildlife educators, scientists, ranchers, and community leaders promoting coexistence between people and wildlife, and compassionate conservation through education, science and advocacy. For more information, visit ProjectCoyote.org.

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