VIEW BY TOPIC ►Featured ►About Project Coyote ►Why Coyotes? ►Carnivore Conservation & Coexistence ►Wildlife Killing Contests ►California Commission Hearings ►Ranching with Wildlife ►Marin Livestock & Wildlife Protection Program ►Coyote Friendly Communities ►Fostering Coexistence ►Science & Stewardship ►Science Advisory Board ►Significance of Yellowstone ►Coyote Ecology ►Wildlife as Public Assets ►Keeping It Wild ~ Youth Education ►Artists for Wild Nature ON KILLING PREDATORS TO PROTECT LIVESTOCK Just doing the job of killing animals? Length: 1:33 ► CARNIVORE CONSERVATION & COEXISTENCE ▲TOP OF PAGE Changing institutionalized attitudes to predators. Moving from killing predators to ranching with predators. Assessing the impacts of lethal control. The ongoing fight for the ASM first resolution. The coyote’s biological response to control attempts. Are wolves protected as Endangered Species Act in CA? An agency to resolve human wildlife conflicts. Authority exaggerates assumptions, not evidence. An agency for killing wild animals? Just doing the job of killing animals? Dogs tear animals apart for sport? Warning: Graphic content.