VIEW BY TOPIC ►Featured ►About Project Coyote ►Why Coyotes? ►Carnivore Conservation & Coexistence ►Wildlife Killing Contests ►California Commission Hearings ►Ranching with Wildlife ►Marin Livestock & Wildlife Protection Program ►Coyote Friendly Communities ►Fostering Coexistence ►Science & Stewardship ►Science Advisory Board ►Significance of Yellowstone ►Coyote Ecology ►Wildlife as Public Assets ►Keeping It Wild ~ Youth Education ►Artists for Wild Nature ABOUT PROJECT COYOTE Science, education and advocacy to promote change. Length: 1:40 ► ABOUT PROJECT COYOTE ▲TOP OF PAGE A portrait of the Force for Wild Nature award winner, Dr. Martin Griffin. Shifting the way we view and treat carnivores. Moving from fear to understanding and respect. Camilla Fox awarded John Muir Conservationist of the Year. Gala Benefit for Project Coyote with Peter Coyote. Talks about people and coyotes in the San Francisco bay area. ► WHY COYOTES? ▲TOP OF PAGE Misunderstood & maligned to mascot? Shifting the way we view and treat carnivores. From diminished moral standing to ambassador.