September 25, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Brown Memorial Library
78 West Main St.
NH 03221
Brown Memorial Library
Join Project Coyote New Hampshire and Vermont Representative and Wild Canid Ecologist Chris Schadler for a lively discussion about the Eastern Coyote. Chris is also a member of the Northeast Wolf Coalition and co-founder of the New Hampshire Wildlife Coalition, and has a Masters Degree in Conservation Biology from Antioch University. Beginning in the early 1990s, she taught conservation and wolf ecology classes at UNH, and went on to receive many teaching excellence awards.  
Learn the true story of the eastern coyote – how and when it arrived in New England, how it lives among us but is rarely seen and how it contributes to keep our forests and fields healthy. Learn why it is a creature of our own making! It is smart, beneficial and by its presence, gives “wild” back to our wild lands. This New Wild also requires that livestock and pet owners step up to steward our creatures with greater care.
Despite the ecological benefits the coyote brings, it is the most persecuted carnivore in North America. Yet, it survives and thrives despite efforts to eradicate it. Chris will discuss coexistence strategies, whether you farm, hike or garden. “Understanding the mind and ecology of the coyote can keep us one step ahead of problems”, according to Chris, who, with 30 years of wolf and coyote research, sheep farming, and teaching, will demonstrate that “knowledge is power” when it comes to living with coyotes.
More information here.