Earlier this month—thanks to your support—Governor Newsom signed AB 273 into law, making California the first state in the nation to ban commercial and recreational fur trapping! This momentous law will spare countless wild animals from the unnecessary fur trade.
Now we need your help to pass two more critical bills that will protect California’s wild animals from cruel and pointless suffering and death.
Legislation to ban trophy hunting of bobcats (AB 1254) and the fur trade (AB 44) passed the full Senate on September 9 and 10, respectively, and now only await Governor Newsom’s signature to become law—and to set a standard for the nation on the humane treatment of wildlife! We need your help to make sure this happens!
Here’s how you can help:
- Contact Governor Newsom online and urge him to sign AB 1254 and AB 44. You’ll see both bills in the drop-down menu after “Please choose your subject.” You can find talking points for both bills here. (Note: We’ve been advised not to flood the Governor’s office with phone calls.)
- Tweet at the Governor, urging him to sign AB 1254 and AB 44!
- Submit a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
Please send a letter to your local newspaper encouraging readers to urge Governor Newsom to sign AB 1254 and AB 44. If your letter is published, follow up by mailing the letter to Governor Newsom. Find tips for submitting letters to the editor here and talking points for both bills here.
We’re down to the wire on these two bills ~ please use your voices now to help pass this crucial legislation that will protect our state’s wildlife for generations to come.
Thank you for speaking up for California’s wild animals!
For the Wild Ones,
Camilla H. Fox
Founder & Executive Director