
There’s still time to amplify the impact of your dollars! As noted below, two very generous Project Coyote supporters have each offered to match up to $25,000 in donations ~ meaning an additional $50,000 is available to support Project Coyote’s efforts on behalf of our wild neighbors.

And—just in time—Project Coyote’s custom-designed North American Wild Carnivore face masks have arrived and are available as a gift for donations of $100 or more!

Also, a reminder that this year the CARES Act allows most Americans to deduct up to $300 from their taxable income for donations made in 2020, so donating now may save you money when you file your taxes next year.

Please consider doubling your impact for wildlife by donating before the clock ticks over to 2021 ~ the Wild Ones need you. And if you’ve already donated, THANK YOU for your support! 

For the Wild,


As this turbulent year draws to its end, we are comforted in knowing that our strengths and accomplishments have grown because we work together with you—our supporters, friends, and activists—in meaningful ways. As a community, we have continued to speak truth to power, to vote for a better future, and to protest injustice. Our voices, united, have spoken for those who can’t speak for themselves.

We have prevailed despite unprecedented challenges and, now more than ever, we still believe a kinder, more compassionate world is not only possible, but probable.

Our work continues—as does our need for your support, which enables us to protect wildlife, to educate communities about coexistence, and to introduce legislation that ensures the safety of wild creatures.
Today we ask you to donate what you can ~ your support will enable us to stand up for coyotes, wolves, and bobcats, and will help communities live in harmony with their wild neighbors.

And your gift from now through December 31st will be doubled!*

Two very generous Project Coyote supporters—one from Sonoma, CA, and another from Philadelphia, PA—have each offered $25,000 to create a Matching Fund drive honoring our 12+ years of advocating on behalf of North America’s wild carnivores, for a total of:

$50,000 in matching funds!

Your support is critical to our continued success. Here are just some of the ways your dollars make a difference:

  • Buoyed by this year’s victories banning wildlife killing contests in Colorado and Washington, we will continue working with our elected officials and wildlife agencies until these events are relegated to the history books across the country.
  • Following California’s lead that banned commercial and recreational wildlife trapping in 2019, we will push for additional bans on the use of cruel and indiscriminate body-crushing traps including legholds, snares and Conibear kill traps. Our collective outrage and pressure resulted in a felony animal cruelty charge being brought against a rogue trapper who trapped and fatally maimed a coyote pup—an appalling incident that highlights the unconscionable cruelty associated with trapping.
  • From city streets to city hall, we are working to promote coexistence in policy and practice. Our Coyote Friendly Communities are model cities across the nation, proving that people and wildlife can share urban spaces. Our complementary Ranching with Wildlife programs demonstrate that wildlife and livestock can coexist in rural landscapes. In 2021, we will expand those programs and help communities implement non-lethal, humane methods for compassionate coexistence.
  • We are leading efforts to reform the state and federal agencies that cater to special interests but should instead be working for the public good and wildlife conservation. Last year, we achieved significant legal victories against the rogue wildlife-killing USDA Wildlife Services program in California. Next year, we will continue to take on Wildlife Services and state wildlife agencies to further protect wildlife and wild places that belong to all of us.

Learn more about Project Coyote’s 2020 notable accomplishments here.

Your gift of $25, $50, $100, $500 or more will help us continue our successful strategy of ending the egregious ways that people kill wild carnivores.*

If you’ve already made an end-of-year donation to Project Coyote ~ THANK YOU for your support!

If not, please consider amplifying your impact for wildlife by making a year-end contribution today. You will be helping Project Coyote sustain our work on behalf of wildlife through 2021.

Thank you for being a member of our community and for giving so generously!

With gratitude,

Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

*Thanks to the CARES Act, most Americans can deduct up to $300 from their taxable income for donations made in 2020, so donating now may save you money when you file your taxes in 2021!

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