
Action Alert ~ Maryland Residents: Tell Your Legislators
to End 
Wildlife Killing Contests!

Speak up now to end this barbaric cruelty in Maryland

The Maryland state legislature is currently considering HB 293 / SB 200, which would ban wildlife killing contests in the state. This bill would protect countless coyotes, foxes, and raccoons from being killed for prizes or monetary awards. It would also establish a fine of $25 for each animal killed in violation of the Act.

Wildlife killing contests are cruel and unsporting. Participants glorify the numbers of animals killed—which can be in the hundreds for a single event—and show no respect for wild animals and their habitat.

We anticipate that House and Senate committees will vote on this bill during the next 1-2 weeks and that the floor votes will take place during the week of February 8th.


We need your help now to end this cruel practice in Maryland!
Please see below to find out what to do ~ and thank you for speaking up for
Maryland’s wildlife!

Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

Michelle Lute, PhD
National Carnivore Conservation Manager

Here’s how you can help:

– Find your state delegate(s) and state senator here.

– Send them an email urging them to support HB 293 and SB 200.

– Suggested text for your message is below, but please personalize your message for greater impact.

Suggested text for your message:

Dear [Legislator’s Name],

I am writing in support of HB 293 and SB 200 to end wildlife killing contests in Maryland. 

During these events, participants compete to kill the most, largest, or smallest animals for cash and prizes over the course of one day or weekend. Animals—including non-target species—may be injured, especially when night hunting is allowed. Dependent young may be orphaned during these events and left to die from starvation, predation or exposure.

Wildlife killing contests undermine modern, science-based wildlife management principles and are not an effective wildlife management tool. The events do not effectively control wildlife populations or boost numbers of game species. This unregulated and chaotic killing may even increase the likelihood of what are typically rare conflicts between livestock and wildlife.

Responsible hunters and wildlife professionals increasingly recognize the detrimental impact that killing contests have on the hunting community’s reputation. For the future of Maryland’s environment and ethical hunters everywhere, please put an end to this needless slaughter. Let’s set a good example for our children and pass a law that makes it clear that killing is not an acceptable form of entertainment.

Wildlife belongs to all citizens and the majority of Maryland residents do not support killing contests. I respectfully urge you to vote YES on HB 293 and SB 200. 

Thank you,
[Your Name]

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