
Speak Up NOW For Science-Based Federal Leadership!

Oppose Martha Williams’ nomination to lead the USFWS

Project Coyote Science Advisor Dave Parsons recently wrote an editorial explaining his “Concern Over President’s Choice to Head Federal Wildlife Agency” and why President Biden’s nominee for the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) position, Martha Williams, is unqualified.

Last September, Project Coyote proposed Michael Phillips, whose former roles include Montana legislator and employee of both the USFWS and the National Park Service, as an exemplary candidate for USFWS Director. Dozens of non-governmental organizations and scientists joined us in sending a letter to President Biden supporting the candidacy of Phillips.

Yet, Williams’ nomination has been forwarded by President Biden to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, which will schedule a vote soon to advance her nomination to the full Senate for a final confirmation vote. We don’t know exactly when the committee or full Senate votes will occur, so please urge your senators to oppose Williams’ nomination and instead support a viable and qualified candidate like Michael Phillips.


Don’t forget to forward this action alert to friends and family, and encourage them to take action on behalf of wolves. We need every voice raised to save them.

Thank you for speaking up for scientific integrity and wild nature!

For Wild Nature,

Michelle Lute, PhD                                                                                 Dave Parsons, MS
National Carnivore Conservation Manager                                     Project Coyote Science Advisor

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