
New Hampshire: Speak up in Defense of Coyote Pups!

Coyotes are hunted 365 days a year in our state, allowing coyote parents to be killed while they raise pups. 

This egregious unlimited killing of coyotes breaks apart coyote families, violates the principles of “fair chase” hunting, fractures the fragile social structures of coyote families, and is ethically indefensible. 

This legislative session, New Hampshire lawmakers can prohibit coyote hunting during pup-rearing months by passing HB1100. Help us urge members of the House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee to vote yes on HB1100 on February 6th! 

Speak up for New Hampshire’s Coyotes: 

  1. Submit written testimony in support of HB1100 before the hearing for the bill on February 6th. Visit this webpage and select the following options: 
      • Date of the Hearing: “February 6th”
      • Select the Committee: “House Fish and Game And Marine Resources Committee”
      • Choose the Bill: “HB1100”
      • Select the option “A Member of the Public”
      • Indicate your position on the bill: “I Support this Bill”
  2. Use these talking points to craft your testimony and either upload it as a separate document or use the provided text box to enter your testimony.  

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