
Interview with Author, Wildlife Advocate, & Photographer Stephanie Becker

Project Coyote #CaptureCoexistence Contributor Stephanie Becker is an award-winning nature and wildlife photographer. Fortunately, this meant she had her camera ready the day she looked out her kitchen window and noticed a coyote climbing high up in her neighbor’s apple tree, scrounging for a snack. As she describes in the Q&A below, the unusual experience solidified her respect for the adaptability and ingenuity of coyotes, particularly those in urban environments.

In September, Stephanie released her new children’s book, Harmony Among Neighbors. Through a heartwarming story about Harmony the Coyote and his evolving relationship with the local townspeople, Stephanie explores common misconceptions about coyotes and describes how people can coexist peacefully with their wild neighbors. Stephanie’s message of coexistence is critically important, and we are honored that she has also generously offered to donate a portion of the book’s profits to Project Coyote. You can purchase Harmony Among Neighbors on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and from a number of other online shops and bookstores. 

To celebrate her book launch, we asked Stephanie about her career journey and what has inspired her recent creative and educational endeavors. We hope you enjoy learning more about Stephanie and her work, and are inspired by her dedication to equipping the next generation with compassion for wild lives.

What led you to wildlife photography and conservation? 

As a sixth-generation native Californian, I grew up exploring the Bay Area ridgelines, where my family’s love and respect for nature were deeply-held values. Living in a rural area allowed me to connect with local wildlife. As a teen, I became interested in the impact of development on our open spaces and how it affected natural wildlife corridors. In response, I collaborated with my hometown to install deer-crossing signs along a busy highway to address a rise in vehicular accidents. My aim was to ensure the safety of both the community and the wildlife. This experience sparked a desire to raise awareness about our shared land, inspiring me to explore how I could use my passion for photography and writing to promote coexistence.

What are the most challenging aspects of promoting coexistence and conservation through your art and advocacy? 

One of the challenges of promoting coexistence through art lies in reaching diverse audiences of varying ages, backgrounds, and levels of environmental understanding. As social media and communication channels continuously evolve, it’s essential to stay informed about the most effective ways to engage these distinct groups.

What do you love the most about your outreach work?

What I truly cherish about this work is the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for storytelling through film and photography. I have immense respect for wildlife photographers Melissa Groo and Daniel Dietrich, who have greatly influenced my understanding of the importance of coexisting with our wildlife neighbors and using impactful imagery to educate others.

Can you share with us one of your favorite wild carnivore memories?

One of my most memorable experiences occurred when I glanced out my kitchen window and spotted a coyote skillfully climbing my neighbor’s apple tree to snatch some apples. It truly struck me how resourceful and opportunistic coyotes can be. 

Why do you feel it’s important to educate young people about coexisting with wildlife?

Young people represent the next generation of environmental stewards. Their natural empathy for wildlife often leads them to want to feed or approach animals, but they may not realize that these well-meaning actions can actually cause harm. Additionally, children can serve as effective teachers, sharing their insights about coexistence with their families and helping to spread awareness about the importance of protecting their communities and wildlife.

We are excited about your new book, Harmony Among Neighbors! What was the inspiration for writing this book? What do you hope children (and their parents) will take away from reading it? 

The inspiration for Harmony Among Neighbors came from an educational video I created for Project Coyote while working towards my Naturalist Certification. I realized that much of the existing literature on coexistence was geared towards adults, leaving a gap for engaging youth. Through this whimsical story, I aim to introduce young readers to themes of empathy, friendship, and environmental stewardship, fostering a new generation of environmentally conscious individuals. I’m immensely grateful to my publisher, 12 Willows Press, for their support, and to Rosa Maria Garza, whose stunning illustrations truly bring the story to life.

What’s on the horizon for you creatively?

Currently, I am dedicated to promoting Harmony Among Neighbors in communities and creating educational opportunities that complement the book’s message of coexistence. I am also working on several writing projects aimed at helping communities stay safe while living harmoniously with their wild neighbors.

Stephanie Becker is an award-winning nature photographer, author, and certified naturalist based in Moraga, California. Her early advocacy for wildlife, including successfully campaigning for deer-crossing signs in her hometown, sparked her passion for raising awareness about coexistence with nature. Through her work, she aims to inspire young readers to embrace empathy, friendship, and environmental stewardship, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world. You can find Stephani on Instagram at @stephbeckerphoto and @pandemic.moons.

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