
Coloradans: Vote Yes on Proposition 127

Ballots are on their way to the mailboxes of Colorado voters! And this year, the lives of mountain lions, bobcats, and Canada Lynx are on the ballot. 

Currently, the lives of nearly 500 mountain lions and thousands of bobcats are inhumanely ended each year in our state. Proposition 127, if passed, would protect mountain lions, bobcats, and Canada Lynx from cruel and inhumane trophy hunting and fur trapping in Colorado. 

We need your help in voting YES on Proposition 127 and encouraging your fellow Coloradans to do the same.  

Proposition 127 is critical to:

    • End the cruelty of hound hunting mountain lions and bobcats.
    • Stop the unlimited fur trapping of bobcats for commercial gain.
    • Stop this unnecessary lethal killing that can cause increased conflict with people, companion animals, and farmed animals.

Help Protect Colorado’s Wild Cats:

Sign-up to help phone bank and place calls to fellow Coloradans asking them to vote “YES” on Prop. 127:

You can also lend a hand to this campaign by spreading the word on social media by posting in support of Prop. 127. Reshare an official Cats Aren’t Trophies Facebook or Instagram post with one of the sample captions below, or create your own post!

Sample captions:

    • Cruel trophy hunting of mountain lions and fur trapping of bobcats have no place in Colorado. Vote YES on Prop.127 to protect cats. #yeson127
    • More than 500 mountain lions are killed every year in Colorado by trophy hunters for “recreation,” NOT management. Vote YES on Prop. 127 to protect Colorado’s cats. #yeson127
    • For $45 a fur trapper can trap and inhumanely kill an unlimited number of bobcats for their beautiful fur coats. Vote YES on Prop. 127 to protect bobcats from commercial fur trappers in Colorado. #yeson127.

Together, we can stop the senseless trophy hunting of mountain lions and the inhumane trapping of bobcats each year, while ensuring lynx do not meet the same fate in the future.

Let’s make Colorado a more compassionate and humane state for our wild neighbors!

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