Dear Friend of Wildlife,
I want to personally invite you to two free public presentations I am giving in Nevada about coyotes and how we can better coexist with them.
Known as North America’s native “Song Dogs”, coyotes are native to Nevada and are important to healthy ecosystems. Yet humans have been waging war on the species for the last two centuries- much to no avail. Come and learn about why killing contests and other lethal programs are ineffective and what we can do- as individuals and communities- to better coexist with this highly adaptable, intelligent and resilient native carnivore.
I will share a sneak peek of a new film that we are producing that offers a penetrating look at the disturbing issue of sanctioned “wildlife killing contests” that target coyotes, bobcats, foxes and other maligned native wildlife, offering prizes for those who kill the most or the largest of a given species (see below for more info.).
When and Where:
October 15, 2015 • 5:30-7:30 pm • Windmill Library, Las Vegas
October 16, 2015 • 6:30 pm • Nevada Humane Society, Reno
I look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas or Reno!
Camilla H. Fox
Founder and Executive Director
Project Coyote
PS – Please click on the images below for more information about each event.
The Hidden War on Wildlife: A Film
Project Coyote is producing a film to raise awareness and to inspire action to end the cruel and senseless slaughter of America’s native wildlife.
The Background on Wildlife Killing Contests: Each year thousands of coyotes, foxes, bobcats, wolves and other wild animals are killed in senseless “competitions” throughout North America.
Those who kill the most and the largest animals win prizes including cash, guns, and belt buckles. These “tournaments,” or “derbies,” are often held on public lands.
In 2014, California became the first state in the nation to stop awarding prizes for killing the largest or most coyotes, foxes, bobcats and other wild animals in killing contests after Project Coyote petitioned the California Fish and Game Commission to close the loopholes permitting this practice.
Following California’s lead, efforts are underway in Nevada to ban killing coyote killing contests. The film is building a public awareness campaign that will culminate with a petition being delivered to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commission in November 2015.