by Project Coyote | Feb 17, 2014 | Action Alert
A review by an independent panel of scientists determined unanimously that the U.S. government’s proposal to remove the gray wolf from the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife is based on unproven claims about their genetics and not on the best available science.
by Project Coyote | Feb 13, 2014 | In the News Archive 2014
Needless blood sport. That’s what last weekend’s coyote hunt in Modoc County was about.
by Project Coyote | Feb 13, 2014 | In the News Archive 2014
A coyote-killing contest was held in Modoc County last weekend (Feb. 8 and 9).
by Project Coyote | Feb 11, 2014 | In the News Archive 2014
“HOW INTERESTING to know that at least one member of the New Mexico State Game Commission partakes in the inhumane senseless killing of wildlife.”
by Project Coyote | Feb 11, 2014 | In the News Archive 2014
The weekend’s heavy rains may have put a damper on an annual coyote killing contest centered in the Modoc County town of Adin, but the close of the event took an unexpected turn anyway: with an alleged assault by the contest’s main sponsor on an opponent of the event.