Learning to coexist with coyotes
Coyotes — once almost exterminated from Marin County through government-funded poisoning, trapping and snaring programs — are now recolonizing the county and indeed much of the Bay Area.
Coyotes — once almost exterminated from Marin County through government-funded poisoning, trapping and snaring programs — are now recolonizing the county and indeed much of the Bay Area.
Although there haven’t been many coyote incidents, Animal Control Officer Judy Burrier has been called by residents who are starting to see them around.
The electric fence didn’t prove a deterrent. Neither did shooting a couple of the interlopers.
If you own a dog, especially a dog that has anointed your favorite rug, you know that an animal is capable of apologizing.
At 6 a.m., Jay Tutchton set out on his daily hunt for the most feared, hated creature in this Denver suburb.