Triumph: Wolf Killing Free-For-All On Federal Land Canceled After Backlash
A hunting competition that would’ve allowed for the killing of wolves on federal land has been canceled after backlash from environmental groups.
A hunting competition that would’ve allowed for the killing of wolves on federal land has been canceled after backlash from environmental groups.
A coalition of wildlife protection groups filed a lawsuit against Mendocino County on Tuesday, charging that the county’s contract with a controversial federal wildlife agency violates state environmental laws.
Four environmental groups filed a lawsuit late Thursday to prevent a federal agency from extending a wolf- and coyote-hunting derby onto additional public lands in east-central Idaho.
Constant expansion of the human race means development into wild life areas.
The killing of 11 coyotes in Bakersfield during a weekend hunting contest has infuriated conservationists who are trying to ban animal killing competitions that they say needlessly harm important predator populations in California, including, potentially, migrating gray wolves.