by Project Coyote | May 1, 2014 | Action Alert
As the New Mexico Representative for Project Coyote, I’m excited to announce we are joining Trap Free New Mexico – a coalition of citizens, conservation organizations and animal welfare groups who oppose the cruel, damaging, and dangerous practice of trapping in New Mexico.
by Project Coyote | Apr 23, 2014 | Action Alert
Last Wednesday’s Fish & Game Commission meeting in Ventura brought California one-step closer to a ban on predator killing contests!
by Project Coyote | Apr 18, 2014 | In the News Archive 2014
The California Fish & Game Commission approved a process this week that could lead to a vote this summer on a law banning predator killing contests and tournaments.
by Project Coyote | Apr 18, 2014 | In the News Archive 2014
The campaign to end wildlife killing contests like the annual “Coyote Derby” in Adin, California got a boost this week, as the California Fish and Game Commission voted 3-2 to propose a rule that would ban offering prizes for killing predatory mammals in California.
by Project Coyote | Apr 16, 2014 | In the News Archive 2014
A much-debated decision on whether to list the gray wolf as an endangered species in California will take a few more months, a state commission decided Wednesday in Ventura.