Virginia Residents: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests Statewide!
Protect Virginia’s Wildlife! Contact the Virginia DWR to let them know you support a ban on wildlife killing contests in the state (deadline Dec. 2nd!) Every year, cruel and senseless wildlife killing contests are held throughout Virginia. These contests, which...MEDIA RELEASE | Court grants temporary reprieve for Montana’s wolves
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Thursday, November 16, 2022 Contact: Michelle Lute, Project Coyote, (406) 848-4910, Court grants temporary reprieve for Montana’s wolves Judge issues temporary restraining order, requiring Montana Fish, Wildlife and...Oregon Residents: Take Action to Protect Oregon’s Coyotes
Protect Oregon’s Coyotes! Speak up to let the ODFW Commission know you support banning coyote killing contests in Oregon Every year, cruel and senseless coyote killing contests are held throughout Oregon. These contests, which are counter-productive to...Marin’s Camilla Fox is speaking up for coyotes and other predators
Coyotes are the most ‘misunderstood and maligned wild carnivores in the country,’ Fox says, and she aims to change that.