Help prohibit killing contests on 500 million acres of public lands
Just last month we shared the exciting news that H.R.8492, the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act of 2024, sponsored by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), was introduced in the House of Representatives. This act would prohibit wildlife killing contests on more than 500 million acres of U.S. public lands!
MEDIA RELEASE | House Bill Would Ban Wildlife Killing Contests on Public Lands
Today, more than 14 members of the House of Representatives introduced legislation that would prohibit organizing, sponsoring, conducting or participating in wildlife killing contests on more than 500 million acres of U.S. public lands.
16th Anniversary Interview with Founder & Executive Director Camilla Fox
16th Anniversary Interview with Founder & Executive Director Camilla Fox In honor of Project Coyote’s 16th Anniversary, we are thrilled to share an interview below with Project Coyote’s Founder & Executive Director, Camilla Fox. In it, she shares her...Texans: Help protect mountain lions!
Currently, mountain lions across Texas are hunted and trapped year-round without any limits, seasons, reporting, or management restrictions. This month, for the first time, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) will consider reforms to regulations related to mountain lion hunting and trapping.