by Tom Prillo | Mar 27, 2012 | In the News Archive 2012
Since 1993 it’s been legal to shoot coyotes during daylight hours throughout North Carolina any day of the year, but a new ruleproposed by the state’s Wildlife Resources Commission seeks to expand statewide coyote hunting opportunities to include the dark cover of night.
by Tom Prillo | Mar 11, 2012 | In the News Archive 2012
Coyotes are a big subject at this time of year.
by Tom Prillo | Mar 8, 2012 | In the News Archive 2012
Calabasas is taking an innovative approach in helping humans and coyotes coexist.
by Tom Prillo | Mar 7, 2012 | In the News Archive 2012
San Francisco’s Animal Control and Welfare Commission could recommend on Thursday that the Board of Supervisors adopt of a coyote coexistence plan.
by Tom Prillo | Feb 28, 2012 | In the News Archive 2012
Pouring cayenne pepper on trash and making loud noises were some of the tips wild animal experts shared with homeowners at the Monday on how to prevent coyotes from making unwelcome visits to their properties.