by Project Coyote | Mar 5, 2019 | Action Alert
Good news–thanks to your support, the bill to ban cruel and indiscriminate traps and poisons on New Mexico Public Lands passed another committee in the House of Representatives last week! HB 366 is now up for a vote on the full House floor before it moves to the Senate. This bill—also known as “Roxy’s Law” in recognition of Roxy, a dog who was strangled to death by a snare trap in 2018—would prevent thousands of wild animals and pets in the state from falling victim to needless pain and suffering.
by Project Coyote | Feb 21, 2019 | Action Alert
Oregon residents, we need your help TODAY to pass a bill that would prohibit coyote killing contests in Oregon. During these barbaric events, participants compete to kill the smallest, the largest, or the greatest number of coyotes for fun and prizes.
by Project Coyote | Feb 20, 2019 | Action Alert
We are pleased to report that the bill to prohibit cruel and indiscriminate traps and poisons on New Mexico Public Lands, HB 366, overcame its first hurdle by passing the House Energy Environment and Natural Resources Committee by an 8-4 vote on February 11. We couldn’t have done this without your support!
by Project Coyote | Feb 14, 2019 | Action Alert
Montana residents, we need your help TODAY to pass four bills that would separately: prohibit wildlife killing contests, outlaw intentionally running over wild animals with vehicles, ban hunting and trapping of wolves near Yellowstone National Park, and call for a study on the economic benefits that wolves and grizzly bears bring to the state. These bills, which will be heard in the Senate Fish and Game Committee this week and next, are necessary to halt cruel, ecologically indefensible acts against wildlife in Montana.
by Project Coyote | Feb 10, 2019 | Action Alert
We need your help TODAY to pass a bipartisan bill that would prohibit coyote killing contests in New Mexico. Dozens of these barbaric events–competitions in which participants compete for cash or prizes to kill the smallest, the largest, or the greatest number of coyotes–occur in the state every year.
by Project Coyote | Feb 5, 2019 | Action Alert
We need your help TODAY to pass a bipartisan bill that would prohibit the use of inhumane and indiscriminate traps, snares and poisons on New Mexico’s public lands. HB 366—also known as “Roxy’s Law” in recognition of Roxy, a dog who was strangled to death by a snare trap in 2018—would prevent thousands of wild animals and pets from falling victim to needless suffering in the state.