ACTION ALERT ~ Help Stop the U.S. Predator Challenge!

ACTION ALERT ~ Help Stop the U.S. Predator Challenge!

The first leg of a new, nationwide wildlife killing contest, the “United States Predator Challenge,” began this month. This gruesome competition, which bills itself as “the first contest series ever started to truly crown the first ever US champion coyote calling team,” encourages participants to slaughter coyotes in three regions and bring them to check-in points in Virginia on January 11 to 13, 2019; and in Nebraska on February 1 and 2, 2019. (The first leg of this horrific event has already taken place, with a check-in point in central Utah on December 7 and 8.)

ACTION ALERT ~ Innovative Coyote Photo Contest in New Mexico!

ACTION ALERT: Coyote Management Plan on the Agenda in Torrance, CA

On November 27, the Torrance City Council will revisit the City’s Urban Coyote Management Plan. According to the Torrance Police Department report submitted at the September 18 meeting, the City Council will be reviewing a “comprehensive report on the [city’s] coyote management program, which will include a recommendation from [the Torrance Police Department] on the Urban Coyote Management Plan moving forward, a review of coyote management by other cities, lessons learned and options for the Council to consider.”

ACTION ALERT: Help Protect Alaska’s Wildlife!

ACTION ALERT: Help Protect Alaska’s Wildlife!

The National Park Service instituted regulatory provisions in 2015 to ban certain extreme hunting practices in the State of Alaska, recognizing that Alaska “has allowed an increasing number of liberalized methods of hunting and trapping wildlife … [that] are not consistent with the NPS’s implementation of [the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act’s] authorization of sport hunting and trapping in national preserves.”