Giving Tuesday Is Less Than One Week Away!
Giving Tuesday, which celebrates our national tradition of generosity, is on December 3 this year—less than one week away!
Giving Tuesday, which celebrates our national tradition of generosity, is on December 3 this year—less than one week away!
Join us to learn about the latest research and effective non-lethal techniques for protecting livestock while conserving habitat, wildlife, and natural resources.
Please join me and fellow Project Coyote Science Advisory Board Member Francisco Santiago-Ávila for screenings of KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs as part of the Conserve Sauk Film Festival on November 9. The film will be shown three times — at 2:30pm, 4:30pm, and 5:30pm — and each showing will be followed by a Q&A session.
Great news out of Sacramento! On Saturday, October 12, Governor Newsom signed AB 44 (banning the sale and production of new fur products) and AB 1254 (bobcat trophy hunting) into law. This momentous legislation will spare countless wild animals from the cruel and unnecessary fur trade and bobcats from the horrors of trophy hunting.
Victories for wildlife are few and far between. While the Trump Administration is doing everything it can to eviscerate the Endangered Species Act and lay siege to wildlife and wildlands, special interest trophy hunting and agricultural interests continue to persecute wild carnivores based on outdated myths.
We’re so grateful to all of you who have already joined Project Coyote’s campaign and purchased our exclusive BORN TO BE WILD & FREE ~ END WILDLIFE KILLING CONTESTS swag! For every item you purchase, donates $8.00 to Project Coyote—and you help raise public awareness about this issue by wearing these limited edition t-shirts, tank tops, and hoodies.