by Project Coyote | Sep 27, 2020 | Announcements
Thank you for helping us exceed our goal to raise critical funds to support our campaign to End Wildlife Killing Contests ~ you have stepped up and responded and we are immensely grateful! There’s still time to purchase our limited-edition swag from with our unique and exclusive COYOTE: MADE IN AMERICA/END WILDLIFE KILLING CONTESTS design.
by Project Coyote | Sep 24, 2020 | Announcements
We’re so grateful to those of you who have already supported Project Coyote’s campaign to End Wildlife Killing Contests by purchasing unique and exclusive swag through our partnership with We’re excited to share that musician and animal activist MOBY has joined our campaign!
by Project Coyote | Sep 21, 2020 | Announcements
Project Coyote and our coalition partners continue to make progress in our campaign to ban wildlife killing contests across the country. And today we launch our 2020 campaign to further help spread the word about how WKCs disrupt ecological function and health, degrade the value of individual animals, teach disrespect for wildlife, and inflict and promote cruelty to animals.
by Project Coyote | Sep 15, 2020 | Announcements
Project Coyote has teamed up again with to offer a variety of beautifully designed T-shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts featuring our one-of-a-kind COYOTE ~ MADE IN AMERICA designs (created by exclusively for Project Coyote) celebrating America’s Song Dog—the Coyote.
by Project Coyote | Sep 10, 2020 | Announcements
Project Coyote Science Advisory Board Member Joanna Lambert has traveled to some of the remotest regions of the planet in order to study wild animals in wild places. For almost 30 years she has studied rainforest ecology in equatorial Africa, where the extraordinary challenges to biodiversity and human quality of life she witnessed fundamentally impacted her approach to science and shifted her work towards solutions and human-wildlife coexistence.
by Project Coyote | Sep 1, 2020 | Announcements
I’m so pleased to share some fabulous news: last night the California legislature passed AB 1788 two hours before the end of the 2020 legislative session! This bill will effectively ban deadly rodenticides in California—making California the first state in the nation to take this bold step to protect wildlife. Those of you who tuned in to Sarah Killingsworth’s recent webinar about bobcats heard the discussion around this bill and the dangers that rat poisons pose to bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions, raptors, and other non-target wildlife.