by Project Coyote | Jun 29, 2021 | Notes From the Field, What's Hot
One of our greatest challenges at Project Coyote is tackling the myths and assumptions humans make about coyotes, their behaviors, and intentions: “I saw a coyote during the day, he must be rabid!” or “Those coyotes were trying to lure my dog away so they could eat her.” Perhaps familiarity really does breed contempt or, perhaps more accurately, unfamiliarity breeds assumptions that are not necessarily accurate or favorable (but that phrase doesn’t roll off the tongue as easily).
by Project Coyote | Jun 23, 2021 | Announcements, In the News, What's Hot
As a Project Coyote supporter, you’re aware of our nationwide efforts to ban Wildlife Killing Contests—a barbaric practice in which contestants compete for prizes and cash to kill the most or largest of a target species such as coyotes, wolves, bobcats, or foxes. But although friends of wildlife know of the prevalence of these lethal “contests,” most people have no idea that wildlife killing contests are taking place in their home state—and that this deadly bloodsport is perfectly legal.
by Project Coyote | Jun 21, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
President Biden made news late last month when he revealed his grandchildren’s well-founded concerns about the fate of America’s wolves—concerns he professed to share and promised to address.
by Project Coyote | Jun 17, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
The Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners (NBWC) will soon discuss wildlife killing contests for a second time and may provide direction to the Nevada Department of Wildlife to consider a regulatory prohibition on contests across the state.
by Project Coyote | Jun 16, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission is considering regulations to align their already deplorable wolf hunting season with the even more egregious recent legislation calling for an all-out war on wolves. Increased bag limits, liberalized trapping seasons, and snaring on private lands are all on the table. Please speak up NOW before it’s too late!
by Project Coyote | Jun 8, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
Now that the heinous legislation SB 1211 allowing the slaughter of 90 percent of Idaho’s 1,500 wolves has become law effective July 1, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking public comment on regulations to align with SB 1211 and allow wolves to be killed with traps, snares, dogs, and in dens along with pups.