Project Coyote in Action!
Project Coyote believes that education is key to shifting the way we view and treat coyotes and other wild animals, who are intrinsically valuable in their own right and vital to creating and sustaining healthy ecosystems.
VA Residents: Help Us Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Virginia!
Every year, Virginia’s bobcats, coyotes, and foxes are targeted in cruel and senseless wildlife killing contests, in which participants compete to kill the most, the largest, or even the smallest animals solely for cash and prizes. Hundreds of animals may fall victim over one or two days and are typically discarded like trash after the prizes are awarded.
VT Residents: Protect Vermont’s Wildlife from Wanton Waste!
The Vermont State Legislature is currently considering a bill, H.411, that would ban recklessly killing and wasting wild animals across the state—and we need your help to get it passed! H.411 would be the strongest wanton waste law in the country because it will include coyotes among the protected wildlife.
Wisconsin’s Wolves Need Your Help NOW ~ Comments Due May 15!
Following swiftly on the heels of the heinous February wolf slaughter, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) is seeking public input through an online survey to inform an update to their woefully inadequate and outdated wolf management plan.
Idaho’s Wolves Need Your Help Now!
A heinous bill is making its way through Idaho’s legislature to Governor Brad Little’s desk. SB 1211 would allow the slaughter of 90 percent of Idaho’s 1,500 wolves by any means: traps, snares, aerial shooting, running over with snowmobiles, and possibly poisons. There will be no bag or tag purchase limits or seasonal respite from trapping. Contract killers will be hired and funded by an additional $190,000 from the Idaho Wolf Control Fund, which already receives $400,000 to kill wolves