by Project Coyote | Apr 26, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
With your help, legislation to end cruel coyote killing contests has reached the Oregon State Senate as HB 2728. This bill would protect countless coyotes from being killed for prizes or monetary awards. Many have already spoken up in support of HB 2728, and we are so grateful for your continued support. But we can’t give up now ~ we still need your voices!
by Project Coyote | Apr 23, 2021 | Action Alert, What's Hot
Special interests are attacking conservation-minded Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Commissioner Jay Tutchton and trying to block his confirmation by the Colorado state senate. Jay is a long-time advocate for wildlife and wild places. Mr. Tutchton was appointed by Governor Polis to serve as the one commission member representing conservation interests required by Colorado law. His voice is one of science and support for a speedy reintroduction of wolves to Colorado!
by Project Coyote | Apr 19, 2021 | In the News, What's Hot
Over 50,000 years ago, in the vast expanse of glaciated Eurasia, modern humans were just one of many species scraping out a living and competing for prey. At that time, we would have been contending with many large predators – cave bears, saber-toothed cats, hyena, cave lion. And wolves.
by Project Coyote | Apr 16, 2021 | In the News, What's Hot
Wildlife Killing Contests is—as intended—extremely difficult to watch. The recently released twenty-five-minute documentary, produced by Filipe DeAndrade and Brian Moghari in partnership with Project Coyote, contains graphic footage of animals being callously slain for entertainment and prize money, only to be added to piles of carcasses used for vain photo opportunities. As gruesome and stomach-turning as this footage is, the most sickening part is the simple fact that wildlife killing contests remain legal in over forty states, including across public lands.
by Project Coyote | Apr 13, 2021 | In the News, What's Hot
The Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners did the right thing recently in directing staff to draft a regulation that would ban wildlife-killing contests in the state.
by Project Coyote | Apr 9, 2021 | Media Release, What's Hot
Washington, DC —The Animal Welfare Institute and Project Coyote commend the Maryland legislature for passing a bill today banning wildlife killing contests that target foxes, coyotes, and raccoons. Once the bill is signed by Gov. Larry Hogan, Maryland will become the eighth state in the country to prohibit these cruel events.