Vote in the Wisconsin Conservation Congress’ 2022 Spring Hearing!
Support resolutions banning wildlife killing contests and promoting coexistence by Monday, April 14!
Support resolutions banning wildlife killing contests and promoting coexistence by Monday, April 14!
The California grizzly was hunted to extinction nearly a century ago. Now, the state is failing to protect California black bears from hunting, despite bear killing being unethical and relying on dubious claims about the health of the population.
Today, more than 15 members of Congress introduced legislation that would prohibit wildlife killing contests on more than 500 million acres of U.S. public lands.
The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission voted 4-5 today to oppose a permanent spring black bear hunting season.
The Arizona Legislature is considering HB2181, which would strip state wildlife officials of their authority to stop the killing of Mexican gray wolves in certain circumstances.