By including Project Coyote in your estate plans, you can leave a legacy memorializing a lifetime of compassion for wildlife and wildlands.
Create a Will for Free with FreeWill
Project Coyote partners with FreeWill to make it as easy as possible for you to write a will—for free! This online resource is a simple, but essential way to ensure your loved ones and the causes most dear to your heart are protected.
Please be sure to select Project Coyote as the intended beneficiary of your Earth Island Institute (our fiscal sponsor) bequest.
Leaving a Legacy of Compassionate Coexisence
Bequests sustain our important work promoting compassionate coexistence and protecting thriving ecosystems for generations to come. Because Project Coyote is a fiscally sponsored
project of Earth Island Institute, a nonprofit charitable organization recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, tax savings resulting from a bequest can be substantial. A bequest can designate Project Coyote as the beneficiary of a retirement fund, a bank account, an insurance policy, or real estate, and gifts can be made of a specific dollar amount, a percentage, or even specific assets. If you’ve already made your will (if not, you can use FreeWill above), please list Project Coyote as follows:
Project Coyote, a project of Earth Island Institute, a non-profit organization organized
and existing under the laws of California, and with a current business address of
2150 Allston Way, Suite 460, Berkeley, CA 94704
Federal ID #94-2889684
Website: www.ProjectCoyote.org
As a fiscally sponsored project of Earth Island Institute, we ask that you include the following language in your estate plans to ensure that all assets designated for Project Coyote remain with Project Coyote should we become a separate non-profit organization in the future. Our suggested wording:
In the event that Project Coyote, a project under the fiscal sponsorship of Earth Island
Institute is no longer a project of Earth Island Institute, having facilitated the shift of the
obligations and assets of such project to a new 501(c)(3) organization, this bequest is
then directed to said successor charitable organization.
Leaving a legacy of compassionate carnivore coexistence is as simple as using any of the following language options in your will:
Connecting with Project Coyote
If you decide to designate Project Coyote in your will, we would greatly appreciate an opportunity to connect with you; please reach out to Project Coyote’s Executive Director Camilla Fox at info@projectcoyote.org