
We want to share some exciting news about upcoming events! Project Coyote Science Advisory Board Member and former U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mexican gray wolf recovery coordinator Dave Parsons is a key figure in the machinations and events surrounding Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the United States. Dave is helping coordinate “20 Years of Lobos,” a series of events commemorating the first release of Mexican wolves to the wild that will include the following film presentations:

  • Saturday, March 31, 12pm – 2pm MT: The Right To Be Wild film screening at the Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. Katja Torneman, filmmaker and producer, and Dave Parsons will introduce the film and host a Q&A. This will be followed by a Science Cafe at the Tractor Brewing Company.
  • Saturday, April 14, 6pm – 10pm MT: The Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project will host the 9th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival at the Coconino Center for the Arts, 2300 N. Fort Valley Rd., Flagstaff, AZ 86001. More information here. The featured film will be The Right To Be Wild, and also offered as part of the festival program will be KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs, Project Coyote’s groundbreaking film exposing the hidden war on wildlife. Dave will hold a question & answer session covering both films—and be sure to visit Project Coyote’s table, pick up some free literature, and meet Linda Bolon, Project Coyote Arizona Program Associate.

The 20th anniversary celebration is sponsored by Lobos of the Southwest, of which Project Coyote is a member.

Despite recovery efforts, this smallest gray wolf subspecies remains one of the rarest and most endangered mammals on the continent. We hope you can join us to support Mexican wolf recovery—and please pass this information along to others who might be interested in attending either or both of these events!

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