NWI legislator hopes to halt fox, coyote penning with new law
A Northwest Indiana lawmaker is working on legislation to stop a training practice for hunting dogs she calls “inhumane” that has received preliminary approval by a state panel.
Wildlife Groups Invite Public To Learn How To Coexist With Coyotes
In the wake of the Arcadia City Council’s hurried decision to try to eradicate coyotes in the community through the use of painful and deadly snares, three wildlife-protection organizations and a local humane society have called an urgent meeting to raise public awareness about effective, nonlethal methods for discouraging coyotes from lingering in neighborhoods.
Killing Carnivores for Cash
Coyotes throughout the Province of Nova Scotia will now be snared and trapped in a government-sponsored bounty spree, which officially commenced on October 15th.
Huffington Post urges boycott over Nova Scotia’s bounty on coyotes
HALIFAX—The Huffington Post, a well-known news website in the United States, is calling for American tourists to boycott Nova Scotia because the province has a coyote bounty in place.
Kill for Cash ~ Coyotes Targeted in Nova Scotia’s “Pelt Incentive” Program
Tomorrow coyotes throughout the Province of Nova Scotia will be snared and trapped in a government-sponsored bounty spree.
The War on Wolves
The world-renowned Royal Canadian Mint recently announced its new silver coin series, which is dedicated to wildlife in Canada; the initial offering features a wolf on the $5 denomination.
60 Wild Coyotes Patrol Chicago (And Occasionally Stop At Convenience Stores)
This is a coyote “patrolling” the streets (and not just any street, this is State Street!) in downtown Chicago. It’s supposed to be there, say the police. And it’s not alone.
The Death Cults Among Us
The world-renowned Royal Canadian Mint recently announced its new silver coin series, which is dedicated to wildlife in Canada; the initial offering features a wolf on the $5 denomination.
Two Books Examine Our Relationship with Wolves
New Era for Wolves and People: Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes, and Policy (2009)
Mysteries That Howl and Hunt
With a chorus of howls and yips wild enough to fill a vast night sky, the coyote has ignited the imagination of one culture after another.
Denver’s Coyotes Learn to Live with Human Neighbors
The urban coyotes of Denver were getting a bad reputation.
Compassionate Conservation Finally Comes of Age: Killing in the name of conservation doesn’t work
A forward-looking and long overdue symposium called Compassionate Conservation(link is external) will be held from September 1 – 3, 2010 in Lady Margaret Hall at the University of Oxford.
The Case Against Poisoning Our Wildlife
In 2003 Dennis Slaugh was exploring the wild lands near his home in Northeastern Utah when he stopped to examine a possible surveyor’s marker embedded in the ground.
Coyote & Fox Penning: A Blood “Sport” That Must End
When a famous NFL quarterback, Michael Vick, admitted he was the owner-operator of a dog fighting ring, most Americans were shocked and rightly outraged.
Let’s put an end to pens for coyotes and foxes
They may call it hunting, but that’s an insult to real hunters.
The Ethics of Killing Large Carnivores
The killing of large carnivores in North America by means of trophy hunting, whether for “sport” or “management,” has been and continues to be a source of noteworthy and unrelenting controversy.
Can coyotes and people occupy the same space?
Their den was empty, but the coyote pups hadn’t gone far.
Broomfield aims to help residents deal with coyotes, other critters
BROOMFIELD — Residents of this growing suburban community are about to get some help in dealing with the not-so-suburban problems of roaming coyotes.
Creating a plan to coexist with wildlife
To help deal with those situations, Broomfield has created a draft of a Coexistence with Wildlife Policy.
Biologist urges leaving coyotes alone
Coyotes, unlike many other wild carnivores, can coexist in fairly close proximity with humans, according to a Maine conservation biologist working with a national advocacy group.