Silver Dog Song – a wildlife story
A new moon balances on a snowy tip of the jagged horizon.
Coyotes: Fascinating Animals Who Should Be Appreciated
Coyotes are amazing beings. Loved or hated and feared by many, coyotes have defied virtually all attempts to control their cunning ways.
Coyote vs. Greyhound: The Battle Lines Are Drawn
One morning in an otherwise quiet corner of the Great Plains, high-pitched yips and deep growls sprang from a cluster of trees.
Urban wildlife – wall of fame and shame for Indiana
Indiana Division of Natural Resources (IDNR) is shamed for presently proposed regulations that will require the mandatory killing of all native raccoons over 13 pounds, and of coyotes over 20 pounds.
Coyote ugly: Up against humans, he loses again
The coyote’s problem is that he’s one of the most successful animals on Earth but scores no marks on the image-of-God scale, which results in humans being paid public money to kill him in Saskatchewan and – starting this week – Nova Scotia.
Expert shares research on ‘Urban Coyotes’ at Oregon Zoo talk
In Cook County, Ill., just miles from Chicago’s busy O’Hare International Airport, researchers are tracking a coyote they’ve nicknamed “Big Mama,” hoping to learn more about how these animals are surviving and adapting in this environment of high-rises and highways.
FWC to hold meetings on fox, coyote pens
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will hold public workshops in Gainesville and Tallahassee to get public input on fox and coyote pens.
Animal groups educate for April coyote birthing season
Sabine McCowen occasionally takes her two dogs horseback riding with her.
Controlling coyotes topic of local talk
Had any overturned trash cans lately? Strange choruses of yips and howls? Vanishing dog or cat food?
Wild neighbors – coyotes
Spring is baby season for our urban wildlife.
Editorial: Ban fox pens in Florida once and for all
Given the gruesome nature of the evidence, and the long and sordid history of this blood sport, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission was right to put a temporary stop to the chasing of coyotes and foxes in so-called fox pens throughout the state.
Editorial: Just say no
The Florida Everglades is becoming infested with imported Burmese pythons and other exotic reptiles.
The Coyotes Are Already Here
Last Thursday night, Jan 28th, Camilla Fox showed us how coyotes are already out there living among us.
‘Rewilding the World’ by Caroline Fraser and ‘Coyote at the Kitchen Door’ by Stephen DeStefano
“Over the years, coyotes ate many of Michael Soulé’s cats.”
Coyote Hunting: Who’s to Blame?
FALLON, NV – A coyote hunting tournament in Fallon this past weekend has animal rights activists looking for state intervention.
Wildlife advocates condemn Twin Falls ID wolf/coyote killing “Derby”
Wildlife advocates are condemning a wolf/coyote killing “Derby”, scheduled this Saturday, January 9, at Twin Falls, organized by the Idaho Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife (SFW).
Coyote Logic – Editorial
If anyone were looking for proof of the gulf between man and animals, the recent flap over a coyote hunting derby in Jackman is exhibit A.