Groups Seek to Stop Coyote Killing Contest in Burns, Oregon
BURNS, Ore. — State and national conservation and animal welfare organizations have sent a letter to the Oregon Farm Bureau requesting cancellation of the upcoming Young Farmers & Ranchers (YFR) 1st Annual Coyote Hunting Tournament in Burns, and asking for support of a statewide ban on wildlife killing contests in Oregon. The letter was sent in advance of the YFR Leadership Conference that took place last weekend in Redmond.
Coyote Champion: An Interview with Camilla Fox
Camilla Fox is a force of nature conservation. She and I first crossed trails in Denali National Park while traveling as strangers on a shuttle bus, where we casually struck up a conversation about our shared passion for animals and their protection. Fast forward two decades and Fox is now founding Executive Director of Project Coyote, a lean and highly effective nonprofit that promotes coexistence between people and wildlife—especially North America’s most maligned and persecuted native carnivores.
In recent years it has become increasingly obvious that state wildlife governance needs significant reform – in all states, some more than others.
There is humanity in the coyote
Dr. Dan Flores was a guest of Weber State University on Aug. 21 as he regaled listeners with the history of coyote in the Garden Room of the Alumni Center. The lecture was organized by Mason Lytle and Amber Bell, both WSU students.
Coyote killing is counter-productive
In June, four environmental groups prevailed in a lawsuit against the euphemistically named federal killing agency known as Wildlife Services. The U.S. District Court for Idaho ruled that Wildlife Services had not adequately studied the impacts on wildlife of its predator-killing activities in the state. The court is formulating a remedy.
Wildlife Services ~ A Failed Agency
The euphemistically named federal killing agency known as Wildlife Services was sued and won in Idaho US District Court by environmental groups that include Western Watershed Project, Predator Defense, Wild Earth Guardians, and the Center for Biological Diversity. The plaintiffs assert that Wildlife Services’ lethal control of coyotes and other predators at the behest of the livestock industry (and sometimes hunters) is based upon political expediency, not sound science. Currently, the plaintiffs are formulating a remedy.
Coexistence Is a Community Effort
Summer is a time of exploration for juvenile coyote pups, who are venturing further from their natal den and learning how to forage for food on their own. Like our domestic dogs, they are curious about the world around them, and at dusk you may hear a cacophony of yips and howls as the family group reunites.
Another California County Suspends Contract With Federal Wildlife-killing Program
YREKA, Calif. — Responding to legal pressure from a coalition of animal-protection and conservation groups, Siskiyou County officials have announced the suspension of its contract with the notorious federal wildlife-killing program known as Wildlife Services, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The program has killed more than 28,000 animals in the county over the past decade.
Better off alive ~ Why it’s time to end senseless wildlife killing contests
In a Sunday evening in June, camo-clad men chat and laugh by pickups next to a restaurant near Billings, Montana. There is a faint but unmistakable odor of decay coming from a large trash bin across the parking lot—the just-weighed bodies of 29 coyotes, some of them rotting for two days in 90-degree heat. It’s the close of the local Mule Deer Foundation chapter’s fourth annual weekend hunting derby. The motto: “Save a fawn.”
Project Coyote Team Gathers in NM to Support Better Wildlife Stewardship
This week, I’m joining members of Project Coyote’s team in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to participate in the Wildlife for All – Re-Envisioning State Wildlife Governance conference.
Conservation Matriarchs
Wild Expectations Online Magazine combines striking, in-depth photos, scientific research, and personal interviews featuring the conservationists responsible for making huge differences in the wild world to which they dedicate their lives.
Shasta County Suspends Contract with Wildlife-Killing Agency
REDDING, CA (July 24, 2018) — Responding to legal pressure from a coalition of animal protection and conservation groups, Shasta County officials announced on Friday that the county will suspend its contract with the notorious federal wildlife-killing program known as Wildlife Services.
Marin Voice: Let’s learn to live safely and peacefully with coyotes
As representatives of Project Coyote, a nonprofit organization based in Mill Valley that promotes coexistence between people and predators, we must respond to a hyperbolic opinion piece (Marin Voice, July 17) about the dangers of coyotes.
Wolves at the Door in Ninth Circuit Arguments
PORTLAND, Ore. (CN) — The federal government should have done more to protect Oregon’s gray wolves, no matter what farmers and ranchers say, attorneys for five environmental groups told the Ninth Circuit on Wednesday.
A Message from Peter Coyote
This year marks Project Coyote‘s 10-year anniversary—and soon we’ll be extending an invitation to our supporters* to join the Project Coyote team, our special guests and me at our 10th Anniversary Gala!
Unproven bounty program is coyote ugly
Utah wildlife officials are cleaning up their bounty program on coyotes because of fraud. Instead, they should just dump the program because of science.
Puma Recovery for Eastern Wildways, Part 1
The history of humans and carnivores in North America since European colonization is lopsided and biocidal. Whereas attacks by native carnivores on humans are so rare as to be statistically insignificant, European settlers and their descendants have shot, trapped, and poisoned predators by the millions, declaring war especially on Pumas and Wolves.
Georgia Coyote Killing Contest Called “Inhumane and Unwise” by Wildlife Groups
Every year, officials hold the “Georgia Coyote Challenge,” in which contestants are encouraged to kill coyotes. And every year, wildlife advocates shun the tradition.