13 Unlucky Animals That Are Killed for Fun
Every year, thousands of animals are killed for fun (and often, cash prizes) in wildlife killing contests. Participants at these events are given free rein to kill as many animals as possible of a single species in a fixed period of time—or, as is the case in many “varmint” killing contests, several species. These events are legal throughout most of the United States, and sometimes held on public lands. In some places, state wildlife agencies even support wildlife killing contests under the guise of managing species, although this contradicts the latest science.
Project Coyote ~ Promoting Coexistence Between People & Wildlife
Late afternoon. The sun is out after a brief rain, and just down the road a full chorus erupts, taunting the neighbor’s two dogs. We hear three glorious songs from “The Four-Legged Dude” and friends, as New York Times best-selling author (Coyote America) Dan Flores calls the coyote in his article in the June 2018 issue of New Mexico Magazine.
Coyote killing contest draws additional criticism
On Tuesday a coalition of more than 25 wildlife and animal protection organizations, including the Humane Society of the United States, delivered letters urging Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal to cancel the “Georgia Coyote Challenge.”
Coalition of scientists and more than 25 wildlife protection groups ask Georgia officials to cancel statewide coyote killing contest
ATLANTA, Georgia—Today a coalition of scientists with Project Coyote and more than 25 wildlife and animal protection organizations that are part of the National Coalition to End Wildlife Killing Contests (“Coalition”) delivered two letters to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Commissioner Mark Williams, and Georgia Wildlife Resources Division Rusty Garrison, urging the cancellation of the controversial “Georgia Coyote Challenge.”
Pilot program awards $35K to farm operations using non-lethal wildlife deterrents to protect livestock and crops
Last week, the Benton County Agriculture and Wildlife Protection Program (AWPP) awarded $35,363 in grant funds to eight Benton County farms to encourage the use of wildlife-friendly animal damage deterrents to prevent conflicts with wildlife.
Coyote In The Crosshairs
During coyote hunting derbies, contestants vie to kill more coyotes than their competitors. Wildlife activists believe the competitions are unethical, and are pushing to make them a thing of the past.
Blue-Eyed Coyote Could Be One in a Million
POINT REYES NATIONAL SEASHORE, CALIFORNIA—“Coyote!” Wildlife photographer and guide Daniel Dietrich slams down the binoculars and puts pedal to the metal.
The Saga of the Mexican Gray Wolf (el Lobo)
Overzealous predator eradication programs initiated by the federal government in the early 1900s were effective in killing all Mexican gray wolves (Canis lupus baileyi; aka Lobos) in the wild throughout their entire historic range in the southwestern United States by the mid 1900s and in Mexico around 1980.
Vermont Enacts H.636, Banning Coyote Killing Contests in the State
Vermont Becomes the Second State in the Nation to Ban Coyote Killing Contests for Prizes MONTPELIER, Vermont—Yesterday, Vermont enacted H.636, effectively banning coyote killing contests throughout the state. A passionate and persistent coalition of landowners,...
Coyote Carnage: The Gruesome Truth about Wildlife Killing Contests
Coyote killing competitions, where contestants vie to shoot the most animals, are held throughout the U.S. But some hunting groups are denouncing these events as unethical, and states from New Mexico to New York are considering bans on these and other wildlife killing contests.
The Difference Between Euthanasia and Torture, Morally and Legally
A video surfaced of a teacher, Dewie Brewton, drowning a raccoon during school. No charges were pressed, he wasn’t fired, and there actually people defending his actions.
Baby wildlife: when to help and when to leave them alone
During spring, Marin County plays host to a variety of baby wildlife. From fawns to ducklings to baby squirrels to raccoons, these little creatures are just starting to make their way in this big world.
California Fish and Game Commission Adopts Progressive Predator Policy
VENTURA, Calif.— Wildlife conservationists and scientists praised California Fish and Game Commissioners for their vote on Thursday in support of a progressive predator policy that provides the framework for how the state approaches predator conservation, stewardship, and management into the future.
Nature News: Sharing The Landscape With Coyotes
Life in the backcountry is full of beauty, open spaces and wildlife.
Join Us ~ “20 Years of Lobos”
We want to share some exciting news about upcoming events!
Mayor Tim Keller Signs Bill Condemning Coyote-Killing Contests
ALBUQUERQUE, NM — Mayor Tim Keller signed a bill condemning animal abuse in the form of coyote-killing contests within the city of Albuquerque and its immediate vicinity.
Trapping no longer necessary
The image of the fox caught in a trap near Placitas was surely startling to many Journal readers.
Albuquerque City Council UNANIMOUSLY Supports Resolution Condemning Coyote Killing Contests!
Last night the Albuquerque City Council voted unanimously in support of a resolution condemning coyote killing contests and calling on the New Mexico legislature to pass legislation banning the practice.