Marin County neighborhood coexists with coyotes
A family of eight coyotes has taken up residence in the hills, where homeowners and their pets are now on alert, but the 62-year-old Larkspur planning commissioner is thrilled to see wildlife so close to home.
Why coyotes and badgers hunt together
Competition and cooperation aren't mutually exclusive. Just ask a coyote or a badger. Both are crafty carnivores, and since they often hunt the same prey in the same prairies, it would make sense for them to be enemies, or at least to avoid each other.
Why Are 180 People in L.A. Scouring the City for Coyote Poop?
In Los Angeles, coyotes walk the streets of densely-populated neighborhoods. You might wonder, what do these urban canines eat to survive? Biologists have been wondering the same thing. So they’ve recruited volunteers to help them gather coyote droppings.
Some want the death penalty for the mountain lion P-45. Others say ‘respect where you live’
Days after a mountain lion known as P-45 is believed to have killed 10 alpacas at a ranch in the Malibu hills, a team of wildlife advocates Wednesday installed a battery of powerful LED lamps to keep the big cat out of the crosshairs of a hunter with a state permit to...
Once restricted to the continent’s midsection, this adaptable predator now roams from coast to coast
IN APRIL 2015, A COYOTE MADE HEADLINES when it was spotted on the rooftop of a bar in Queens. It was hardly the first such sighting in the local news. That spring alone, coyotes were reported in the Bronx, suburban New Jersey and a tony neighborhood on Manhattan’s...
The Spell Of The Urban Coyote
Coyotes are smart, beautiful, and resilient. Furthermore, says Dan Flores, author of a fascinating new biography of the species, they’re here to stay, and not just in pockets of wilderness, but right along beside us, wherever we live, from coast to coast. That’s not...
Court to Monterey County: Lawsuit Over Wildlife Services Animal-killing Contract Can Move Forward
The California Superior Court issued an order Monday evening denying Monterey County’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit, filed in June by animal protection and conservation organizations.
Bobcats, cougars, and coyotes get a stay of execution in Nevada
Wildlife Services will stop killing predators in Nevada’s wilderness areas, thanks to a lawsuit.
Advances Made in Wolf Deterrents
If ranchers around the West don’t make more use of nonlethal deterrents to predation on livestock, they risk losing access to the public lands they need, a conservation-minded sheep rancher said during a presentation on the subject last week in Ketchum.
A Chapter of Conservation History All Americans Should Know: How And Why “The Greater Yellowstone” Matters
It Takes More Than A Park, Even The Mother Of All Parks, To Protect The Grizzly Bear And Other Animals. It Takes An Ecosystem. Some people may believe otherwise or wallow in the nonsense that ignorance is bliss, but history matters. Today, we dwell near ground zero...
America’s Wildlife Body Count
Until recently, I had never had any dealings with Wildlife Services, a century-old agency of the United States Department of Agriculture with a reputation for strong-arm tactics and secrecy.
Wily coyotes right at home in the big city
he stories have been piling up for years. During a heat wave, in broad daylight, a coyote strolls into a sandwich shop in Chicago and hops up on a freezer to cool off. Customers and staff flee for the street, where a shocked crowd peers through the windows as the...
Washington Wolf Cull Won’t Save Livestock: Study
As of today, six of the 11 members of the Profanity Peak wolf pack have been shot dead by theWashington Department of Fish & Wildlife after a dozen cattle were killed or hurt in the pack's territory. It's the third time in four years that Washington state's...
The Case for Mass Slaughter of Predators Just Got Weaker
Wildlife officials in Washington State recently green-lit a controversial plan to kill a pack of wolves fingered as the culprits behind a spate of attacks on cows there. The way the state sees it, taking out the carnivores could help prevent more livestock losses.
Roaming Charges: Bull Connor on the High Plains
Predator control should not be a shot in the dark
Although the protection of livestock from predators like wolves, cougars, and bears is hotly contested in the United States and Europe, control methods are rarely subjected to rigorous scientific testing. Non-lethal methods face higher standards of evidence—and are...
SUZUKI – Human predators need control
HUMANS ARE the world’s top predator. The way we fulfil this role is often mired in controversy, from factory farming to trophy hunting to predator control. The latter is the process governments use to kill carnivores like wolves, coyotes and cougars to stop them from...
George Wuerthner: Killing wolves not the solution
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has ordered the killing of the Profanity Peak wolf pack in northeast Washington. Six wolves had been killed as of Friday. The kill order is the result of ongoing depredations of domestic cattle that are being grazed on...