MEDIA RELEASE | Wildlife advocates sue to immediately halt Montana’s wolf hunting and trapping season
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Thursday, November 10, 2022 Contact: Michelle Lute, Project Coyote, (406) 848-4910, Wildlife advocates ask court to immediately halt Montana’s wolf hunting and trapping season Motion seeks to prevent “irreparable” wolf...
MEDIA RELEASE: Wildlife advocates sue to stop unscientific, senseless wolf slaughter in Montana
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — October 27, 2022 Wildlife advocates sue to stop unscientific, senseless wolf slaughter in Montana Lawsuit alleges State actors flouted law, relied on outdated, unscientific data Helena, MT — Conservation groups WildEarth Guardians and Project...
MEDIA RELEASE | Wildlife Advocates Score a Victory in Plumas and Sierra Counties in Restricting USDA’s “Wildlife Services” Killing Program
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — October 19, 2022 Wildlife Advocates Score a Victory in Plumas and Sierra Counties in Restricting USDA's "Wildlife Services" Killing Program Counties agree to suspend wildlife-killing contract comply with CEQA and analyze the ecological impacts...
MEDIA RELEASE | Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan Revision Draws Mixed Reviews from Wildlife Advocates
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - OCTOBER 5, 2022 Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan Revision Draws Mixed Reviews from Wildlife Advocates TUCSON, Ariz. – Wildlife advocates expressed mixed feelings about the Mexican Wolf Recovery Plan, Second Revision that was released by the U.S. Fish...
Media Advisory | Bold New Initiative to Rewild the Midwest
SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 Bold New Initiative to Rewild the Midwest Heartland Rewilding, a new coalition of environmental groups, launches a series of bold rewilding initiatives throughout the Mississippi River watershed to restore and protect nature and promote coexistence...
MEDIA RELEASE | Dozens of Conservation Groups, Scientists Call on New York to Protect Wolves
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Dozens of Conservation Groups, Scientists Call on New York to Protect Wolves ALBANY, N.Y.— Nearly 40 regional and national conservation groups and leading independent scientists sent a letter today urging the New York State...
Protect California’s Black Bears!
Protect California’s Black Bears! Voice your support for bears by emailing the California Wildlife Resources Committee before September 12th and by testifying virtually on Thursday, September 15th (even if you live outside of CA!) Despite reporting population declines...
Illinois Residents: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Illinois!
Illinois Residents: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Illinois! Speak up to let the IDNR know you support prohibiting WKCs in Illinois Every year, Illinois is home to over a dozen cruel and senseless Wildlife Killing Contests (WKCs) throughout the state. WKCs...
Protect America’s Wolves Campaign Update!
Advocate for our nation’s wolves with public comment deadlines that are rapidly approaching!
MEDIA RELEASE | Project Coyote and the National Animal Care & Control Association join forces for wildlife coexistence
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - JULY 6, 2022 Project Coyote and the National Animal Care & Control Association join forces for wildlife coexistence New partnership provides resources to inform, educate and empower animal control officers and the public about wildlife...
New Coalition Aims to Outlaw ‘Barbaric’ Wildlife Killing Contests
More than 50 state and national organizations have joined forces in a coalition to end wildlife killing contests targeting coyotes, wolves, bobcats, and other species. The coalition was launched by Project Coyote and the Humane Society of the United States, which estimates that around 60,000 animals were being killed in contests annually prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Blood Sport: The Fight to End the Indiscriminate Killing of Countless Wild Animals for Entertainment and Money in the United States
Coyotes, foxes, and wolves have been vilified to such an extent that society has been conditioned to believe that carnivores are evil troublemakers, their lives worthless, and that killing them in mass numbers is for the greater good.
How Killing Wildlife in the United States Became a Game
Calls for a ban escalate as controversial hunting contests kill more than 60,000 animals a year. Hunting competitions to kill wild animals such as coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes for money and prizes are increasingly controversial. Eight states have outlawed them, and legislation introduced recently in Congress aims to ban them on public lands.
MEDIA RELEASE | California Fish & Game Allows Bear Hunting
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - APRIL 22, 2022 California Fish & Game Commission Allows Bear Hunting Petition to Enact a Hunting Moratorium Fails Despite Strong Public Support Sacramento, Calif. — The California Fish and Game Commission (CFGC) voted 3-0 yesterday to...
USDA’s Wildlife Services wastes $124 million in taxpayer dollars to slaughter wildlife
In the midst of catastrophic biodiversity collapse and the climate crisis, Wildlife Services, a federal program within the U.S. Department of Agriculture, killed over 1.76 million animals last year, including more than 400,000 native animals.
MEDIA RELEASE: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Releases Another Inadequate Revision to Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Plan
Today, the USFWS released a revised Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Plan that once again fails to adequately address the most immediate threat facing the critical recovery needs of the most imperiled wolf subspecies in the world: illegal killings.
MEDIA RELEASE | Congress Introduces Legislation to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests on Public Lands
Today, more than 15 members of Congress introduced legislation that would prohibit wildlife killing contests on more than 500 million acres of U.S. public lands.
MEDIA RELEASE | Washington Wildlife Commission Cancels Spring Bear Hunt
The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission voted 4-5 today to oppose a permanent spring black bear hunting season.