VIEW BY TOPIC ►Featured ►About Project Coyote ►Why Coyotes? ►Carnivore Conservation & Coexistence ►Wildlife Killing Contests ►California Commission Hearings ►Ranching with Wildlife ►Marin Livestock & Wildlife Protection Program ►Coyote Friendly Communities ►Fostering Coexistence ►Science & Stewardship ►Science Advisory Board ►Significance of Yellowstone ►Coyote Ecology ►Wildlife as Public Assets ►Keeping It Wild ~ Youth Education ►Artists for Wild Nature HOW TO HAZE A COYOTE This short video demonstrates the best ways to haze a coyote. Length: 3:07 ► COYOTE FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES™ ▲TOP OF PAGE An ecosystem is a community. Randi Feilich talks coyote hazing techniques on LA Daily News. Best practices for co-existence in an urban setting. View how to haze a coyote. Our dogs communicate with us and each other. Do coyotes? Protecting yourself, your community, and the animal from harm. Calabasas City Spotlight - Coyotes in the City FOX 11 KTTV interviews Randi Feilich from Project Coyote on coexisting with wildlife. KABC 7 NEWS. The City of Carson will not trap coyotes featuring Randi Feilich, Project Coyote Can we learn to coexist with coyotes? Randi Feilich talks about living with coyotes in Southern California on KCET.