


November 2022

November 2022

Project Coyote uses every tool in the toolbox to further carnivore conservation and promote coexistence– including direct lobbying and policy change, proactive public education and outreach, grassroots organizing and litigation when needed.

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For all beings: Part 2

For all beings: Part 2

In my prior blog entry, after introducing myself, I touched on both Euro-North American and Ojibwe worldviews, specifically in relation to wolves. The objective was to highlight how worldviews influence our values and motives, including those guiding science. Therefore, science will always be partial to worldviews, which suggests the foundational discussion within conservation should be about worldviews. In that entry, I suggested that Ojibwe views of wolves were more accurate, caring and respectful than those of Euro-North American managers when assessed from who we know wolves are. Yet, the Ojibwe and other Indigenous worldviews are not the only ones who consider wolves as persons with whom we should cultivate caring and respectful relationships.

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