Area municipalities should stand against pointless wildlife-killing events
The Reno City Council recently threw its weight behind a push to ban wildlife-killing contests in Nevada, voting 6-1 to urge state wildlife officials to do away with the barbaric practice.
Reno City Council Backs Ban on Wildlife Killing Contests
The Reno City Council is the latest to join the push to outlaw wildlife killing contests in Nevada.
Mirror, mirror on the wall: The wolf as scapegoat
Many Canadians now conceive of “progress” as the unremitting economic development and expansion of the human footprint, necessarily at the expense of the natural environment.
Reno officials condemn coyote-killing contests
The Reno City Council has joined animal advocates and other Nevada public bodies in the condemnation of wildlife-killing contests, a long tradition in the Silver State.
City council passes resolution requesting ban on sport wildlife hunts
The Reno City Council today passed a resolution advocating for a ban on wildlife hunting contests, specifically “unprotected fur-bearing mammals” such as coyotes.
Reno City Council (NV) Passes Resolution Condemning Wildlife Killing Contest
Reno will join a growing number of states and counties that have formally criticized these contests, which award participants with cash, guns, or other prizes for killing the most, largest, or smallest of the target species.
Reno council supports ban on wildlife killing contests, mayor calls competitions ‘heinous’
The city of Reno is backing a proposed ban on wildlife killing contests in Nevada.
Call for end to killing contests spreads north to Reno City Council
Disgust with Nevada’s wildlife killing contests, which attract hunters from nearby states where the practice is illegal, is not drawn along the geographic lines that divide the state’s north and south, as the Reno City Council proved Wednesday when it voted six to one in favor of a resolution to stop the competitions.
Support a Resolution to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Reno, Nevada!
The Reno City Council will discuss a resolution supporting a ban on wildlife killing contests at the September 8, 2021 City Council meeting.
Conservation Groups Sue Wisconsin Natural Resources Board to Stop Illegal November Wolf Hunt
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 31, 2021 Conservation Groups Sue Wisconsin Natural Resources Board to Stop Illegal November Wolf Hunt Madison, WI. — Today Animal Wellness Action, the Center for a Humane Economy, Friends of the Wisconsin Wolf and Wildlife, and Project...
What did we learn from Wisconsin’s wolf hunt?
Watch this video from our partners at Comfort Theory explaining why Wisconsin’s wolves should be protected, not persecuted.
Project Coyote Collaborates with Artists to Protect Michigan’s Wolves
Art Exhibit “The Spirit of the Hunt” Highlights the Plight of Wildlife, Inspiring Appreciation and Action