Nevada Residents: Take Action to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests!
Nevada: Help ban wildlife killing contests!This Thursday, the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners will hold a “Contest Committee” hearing to discuss banning wildlife killing contests statewide. We need your help in urging the Commissioners to end these egregious...
Bridging the Gap Between Science and Action
Bridging the Gap between Science and Action By Madelyn Garcia, Summer Policy Intern Ever since I was young, I had a strong affinity for the world around me. Growing up in both Manhattan and the Bronx my version of the “great outdoors” consisted of the concrete and...
MEDIA RELEASE | Project Coyote Announces New Campaign to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Michigan
August 30, 2024 Media Contacts:, 415.326.4110 Project Coyote Announces New Campaign to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Michigan WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Project Coyote announced a new campaign aimed at ending wildlife killing contests across...
Interview with Wildlife Advocate & Photographer Josh Shandera
Interview with Wildlife Advocate & Photographer Josh Shandera Interview with Josh Shandera, #CaptureCoexistence Contributor There is nothing quite like observing wild coyotes, wolves, and bears in their natural habitats. Few people are lucky enough to experience...
Summer 2024
Download the Summer 2024 Coyote Chronicles here.
Creating Corridors: How Storytelling Fosters Empathy for Wild Kin by Vanessa Chakour
Creating Corridors: How Storytelling Fosters Empathy for Wild Kin by Vanessa Chakour, Project Coyote Ambassador We humans are a storytelling species, drawn to tales that illuminate worlds beyond our own. As children, we devour books like Charlotte's Web, Winnie The...
Media Release | Animal Welfare, Conservation Groups Announce Lawsuit Against U.S. Fish & Wildlife Over Wolves
Following an earlier Notice of Intent to Sue, a coalition of organizations has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) for their refusal to give Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections to the Western gray wolf, in violation of the ESA and the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).
Project Coyote Celebrates The Impact Of Imagery On Nature Photography Day
Project Coyote Celebrates The Impact Of Imagery On Nature Photography Day June 15th is Nature Photography Day, created to encourage people to enjoy and learn about nature photography, and to use images to support conservation and protect landscapes, plants, and...
Help prohibit killing contests on 500 million acres of public lands
Just last month we shared the exciting news that H.R.8492, the Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act of 2024, sponsored by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), was introduced in the House of Representatives. This act would prohibit wildlife killing contests on more than 500 million acres of U.S. public lands!
MEDIA RELEASE | House Bill Would Ban Wildlife Killing Contests on Public Lands
Today, more than 14 members of the House of Representatives introduced legislation that would prohibit organizing, sponsoring, conducting or participating in wildlife killing contests on more than 500 million acres of U.S. public lands.
16th Anniversary Interview with Founder & Executive Director Camilla Fox
16th Anniversary Interview with Founder & Executive Director Camilla Fox In honor of Project Coyote’s 16th Anniversary, we are thrilled to share an interview below with Project Coyote’s Founder & Executive Director, Camilla Fox. In it, she shares her...
Texans: Help protect mountain lions!
Currently, mountain lions across Texas are hunted and trapped year-round without any limits, seasons, reporting, or management restrictions. This month, for the first time, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) will consider reforms to regulations related to mountain lion hunting and trapping.