
A Message From DAN FLORES

I joined Project Coyote’s pack because I believe in our mission and our strategy to protect apex predators and promote coexistence. I write to you today to ask that you join me in honoring Project Coyote’s tireless efforts to protect our wild denizens, to speak for those who have no voice, and to view “compassionate coexistence” as not just a catchphrase, but a mission and a way of life. Your support makes our work possible. If you already donated during this season of giving ~ THANK YOU. If you’ve been waiting, this is a great time to show your support ~ from now through December 31, your dollars will be doubled!* Two very generous Project Coyote supporters—one from Sonoma, CA, and another from Philadelphia, PA—have each offered $25,000 to create a Matching Fund drive honoring our 12+ years of advocating on behalf of North America’s wild carnivores … for a total of $50,000 in matching funds! Donate Now and Double Your Impact for Wildlife.

Length: 2:25


A message from Peter Coyote

Peter Coyote talks about our work.

Peter Coyote is a proud advisory board member of Project Coyote. Discover why Project Coyote exists and what you can do to protect the environment.

Dan Flores, Bestselling Author of "Coyote America", discusses the story of "Coyote America" and why it is important to co-exist with coyotes.

Renown actor, narrator & conservationist Peter Coyote.

Can art help conservation? Ask photographer Jennifer MaHarry.

Virginia Maria Romero: Our connection to the animal world.

Peter Coyote talks about coexistence with wildlife.

Why a famed rocker fights for wildlife.

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