
Speaking Up for Wildlife In California and Beyond

VIEW BY TOPIC ►Featured ►About Project Coyote ►Why Coyotes? ►Carnivore Conservation & Coexistence ►Wildlife Killing Contests ►California Commission Hearings ►Ranching with Wildlife ►Marin Livestock & Wildlife Protection Program ►Coyote Friendly Communities...

Wildlife Killing Contests

The Hidden War on Wildlife: KILLING CONTESTS IN NORTH AMERICA PROGRAMSCarnivore Conservation & Coexistence Big River Connectivity California New Mexico Oregon Wildlife Killing Contests End Killing Contests Killing Games Film Wildlife Services Reform Ranching with...
Wildlife groups take aim at lethal control of predators

Wildlife groups take aim at lethal control of predators

Above Photo: Great Pyrenees Sheep Dog Guarding the Flock by Don DeBold (CC BY) By Peter Fimrite Federal trapper Chris Brennan is the go-to guy in Mendocino County when sheep or cattle are being threatened by predators, which, it is generally acknowledged, don’t stand...