Crabtree Coyote Letter

Crabtree Coyote Letter

Dear Interested Person or Party: The following is a scientific opinion letter requested by Camilla Fox, Executive Director of Project Coyote. This letter outlines a response to the general question “What effect does reduction of coyotes (older than 6 months)...
Two Huge Victories for Bobcats!

Two Huge Victories for Bobcats!

Dear Friend of Wildlife, I wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss last week’s email announcement (below) of two recent victories for wildlife that Project Coyote supporters helped make happen. I am pleased to share even more great news for wildlife: Just yesterday...

Nonlethal Solutions to Reduce Conflicts

Nonlethal Solutions to Reduce ConflictsHELPING LIVESTOCK AND PREDATORS TO COEXIST Livestock losses are an unfortunate reality of ranching. Most losses are disease or weather related or result from birthing complications; predators can also kill livestock, but good...


• Reforming Predator Management
• Ranching With Wildlife
• Ending Wildlife Killing Contests
• Protecting Wolves in California
• Keeping It Wild
• Other News…