Camilla Fox & the North American Native Song Dog

Camilla Fox & the North American Native Song Dog

By Maggie Gray We reached out to Project Coyote, an extraordinary organization based in California, with a powerful woman at the helm, Camilla Fox. Who is she and why coyotes? Since my first love as a wildlife photographer is to capture wolves, fox, coyote, in fact...
Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Investigation of Wildlife Services Above Photo: Maggie, a border collie, was killed by a Wildlife Services Conibear trap just 45 feet from her family’s back yard. She died of strangulation and a broken neck after being caught in the trap’s vice grip. Maggie is one of...
Carnivore Conservation & Coexistence

Carnivore Conservation & Coexistence

PROGRAMSCarnivore Conservation California New Mexico Oregon Protecting America's Wolves Wildlife Killing Contests End Killing Contests Killing Games Film Wildlife Services Reform Ranching with WildlifeCoyote Friendly Communities™Science & StewardshipKeeping...