For all beings part 1

For all beings part 1

I’m very much an immigrant: to the Midwest, to science and to rewilding. And yet, as with coyotes in the eastern U.S., I feel at home. I was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I was a working-class city kid that did not spend much time out in nature, except for the occasional beach trip.

MT Residents: Montana’s Wolves Need Your Help NOW!

MT Residents: Montana’s Wolves Need Your Help NOW!

The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission is considering regulations to align their already deplorable wolf hunting season with the even more egregious recent legislation calling for an all-out war on wolves. Increased bag limits, liberalized trapping seasons, and snaring on private lands are all on the table. Please speak up NOW before it’s too late!

MT Residents: Montana’s Wolves Need Your Help NOW!

Idaho’s Wolves Still Need Your Help!

Now that the heinous legislation SB 1211 allowing the slaughter of 90 percent of Idaho’s 1,500 wolves has become law effective July 1, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking public comment on regulations to align with SB 1211 and allow wolves to be killed with traps, snares, dogs, and in dens along with pups.

Idaho’s Wolves Need Your Help Now!

Idaho’s Wolves Need Your Help Now!

A heinous bill is making its way through Idaho’s legislature to Governor Brad Little’s desk. SB 1211 would allow the slaughter of 90 percent of Idaho’s 1,500 wolves by any means: traps, snares, aerial shooting, running over with snowmobiles, and possibly poisons. There will be no bag or tag purchase limits or seasonal respite from trapping. Contract killers will be hired and funded by an additional $190,000 from the Idaho Wolf Control Fund, which already receives $400,000 to kill wolves