A Death Of Ethics: Is Hunting Destroying Itself?

A Death Of Ethics: Is Hunting Destroying Itself?

A Death Of Ethics: Is Hunting Destroying Itself? From killing baboon families to staging predator-killing contests, hunters stand accused of violating the north american model of wildlife conservation. Now they’re being called out by their own. Right now, as you read...
Coyote Chronicles ~ July 2020

Coyote Chronicles ~ July 2020

Since our last edition of Coyote Chronicles, the world has turned upside down. A pandemic crisis, combined with an historic social justice movement, is redefining what we consider “normal.” We are at a critical crossroads. These challenges present a unique opportunity for systemic change—change that our planet, our society and our culture so desperately need. In fact, we are already seeing that change as people increasingly act; they engage for the causes they believe in.

Guy Galante

REPRESENTATIVES Camilla H. Fox Kim Boester Linda Bolon Heather Cammisa Dan De Vries Kelly Edwards Deb Etheredge Randi Feilich Matt Francis Guy Galante Felipe Gonzales Sarah Gorsline Caleigh Hall Kézha Hatier-Riess Erin Hauge Keli Hendricks Laura Honda Sarah...

Lobo FWS Scoping Period Webinar

VIEW BY TOPIC ►Featured ►About Project Coyote ►Why Coyotes? ►Reforming Predator Management ►Wildlife Killing Contests ►California Commission Hearings ►Ranching with Wildlife ►Marin Livestock & Wildlife Protection Program ►Coyote Friendly Communities ►Fostering...

2016 Highlights

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2016 ▲TOP OF PAGE Download the 2016 Project Coyote Highlights here. In March of 2016 Project Coyote, Fibershed and the County of Marin co-sponsored the first Ranching with Wildlife...